Our 6 ideas to change South Africa

Good News

March 3, 2020
Another hard day in Africa

To restore our nation we need to take the heroic journey to close the largest Gini coefficient in the world...

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March 3, 2020
The Politics of Connectedness

Three words encapsulate a new way of being political as we strive to come home to ourselves as a planetary...

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March 3, 2020
Words Create Worlds

Kathy Becker, president and CEO of The Center for Appreciative Inquiry, succinctly encourages us to stay...

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Restory our Nation is an initiative of GoodNews24Org NPC, and provides a platform to create and voice an alternative future to the currently envisioned one. Join the movement by contributing your story that speak of a different reality and call us to create a new future. To restory our nation, Africa and the world, one story at a time

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